I read an article today in the Austin paper about a study done by one of my old psychology professors from UT. He and a collegue explored all the different reasons "why" people have sex. I loved the responses (keep in mind, they polled college students). They ranged from "because I was in love" to "because I was slummin". Noice!
In other news, I filed my expense report from my trip to DC. I thought I had gone way over budget with my per diem, but turns out I spent a lot less at Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast than I thought, so that saved me some cash. While going through my receipts, I came across one from my last night in DC. The night went down something like this: dinner -- drinks -- drinks -- drinks -- drinks. I'm not sure when the drinks stopped - but my bill says we closed out around 10:36 pm. This doesn't quite gel with me getting back to my hotel around 2:00 am, which leads me to the conclusion that I was most likely roofied. This conclusion is slightly flawed though, because I was with a group of gay guys that, in all probability, had no interest in roofie'ing me. I think I'll stick to it anyway, because it's better than the "Hi, I'm A-Lo and I'm an alcoholic" alternative.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Hurray for toilets!
We had our second meeting with our architect today and things went really well. We've now got three drawings that he is going to spec out so we can get bids from a few contractors. Then we'll really know how much money we're talkin' bout with this addition / remodel. Lance and I arm-wrestled over which plans to move forward with, but finally agreed on 3:
1. The most-expensive plan which will give us a bigger master bedroom and bigger 2nd bedroom by expanding the entire east all of the house and moving the current bathroom.
2. a mid-size option that expands our bedroom and expands part of the east side of the house.
3. a low-grade option that basically just tags on an extra bath to our bedroom.
I'm pretty sure I can coerce Lance into my special option with takes # 2 but pumps it up by expanding the entire east side of the house without moving the bathroom. it'll probably take me cooking lots of dinners and baking (which i do NOT do), but after i burn enough batches of cookies, i think i'll probably be off the hook.
Hopefully we'll have the bids and final drawings by early fall so we can start the actual construction. Speaking of, we'll most likely have to find a temporary home for Prancer. Any takers?? (Why do I only hear crickets chirping out there?)
1. The most-expensive plan which will give us a bigger master bedroom and bigger 2nd bedroom by expanding the entire east all of the house and moving the current bathroom.
2. a mid-size option that expands our bedroom and expands part of the east side of the house.
3. a low-grade option that basically just tags on an extra bath to our bedroom.
I'm pretty sure I can coerce Lance into my special option with takes # 2 but pumps it up by expanding the entire east side of the house without moving the bathroom. it'll probably take me cooking lots of dinners and baking (which i do NOT do), but after i burn enough batches of cookies, i think i'll probably be off the hook.
Hopefully we'll have the bids and final drawings by early fall so we can start the actual construction. Speaking of, we'll most likely have to find a temporary home for Prancer. Any takers?? (Why do I only hear crickets chirping out there?)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Been caught sniffin
Lance bought Prancer some dog biscuits yesterday. As an added bonus, the dog biscuits came with a package of catnip (makes no sense to me, but whatever). We decided to pour the catnip into a sock and give it to Mr. B to see if he liked it. What's better to do on a Sunday morning than experiment with your animals??
Mr. B didn't like the catnip. He LOVED it. He immiedatley started huffing the sock, which according to this site, totally gets him high. After reading more online about what exactly catnip does to cats, I started to feel kinda bad. The article related the effects to LSD! Did I just totally turn my cat into a junkie? I quickly snatched the drugged-up sock away from the cat (who cried immiedately and pawed after me).
I went into the living room to clean up some stuff when i heard a scuffle going on in the kitchen followed by some major sniffing. I went into the kitchen and found this (see picture below). The cat knocked the package of catnip off of the kitchen counter, spilled it on the floor, and immiedately started rolling around in it! I guess it's safe to say he's got a problem. We may need to get him some rehab. I'm an admitted enabler.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I heart DC
I just returned from a 9 day drip to D.C. It was a fabulous time, but I'm glad to be home for the following reasons:
1. while the metro is fun at first, the walk to and from the metro sucks. Also, the rush hour on the metro is about as fun as a root canal. As least you get numbing drugs with the root canal.
2. My liver probably couldn't handle anymore drinking and good times. (Although, I did drink last night in Austin and will probably drink again tonight. Hmm, maybe it's not the city but the girl).
3. My hotel sucked. It didn't even come close to the phat Hotel Helix, and on the rare night that I stayed in, I had to eat on my TWIN bed. Who puts twin beds in a hotel anymore??
4. I missed Mexican food. I can't help it - it's in my genes.
5. I missed my family! I think Prancer peeing on my leg out of excitement when I got home kinda means he missed me. Of course, Lance did the same, so I guess he missed me too.
1. while the metro is fun at first, the walk to and from the metro sucks. Also, the rush hour on the metro is about as fun as a root canal. As least you get numbing drugs with the root canal.
2. My liver probably couldn't handle anymore drinking and good times. (Although, I did drink last night in Austin and will probably drink again tonight. Hmm, maybe it's not the city but the girl).
3. My hotel sucked. It didn't even come close to the phat Hotel Helix, and on the rare night that I stayed in, I had to eat on my TWIN bed. Who puts twin beds in a hotel anymore??
4. I missed Mexican food. I can't help it - it's in my genes.
5. I missed my family! I think Prancer peeing on my leg out of excitement when I got home kinda means he missed me. Of course, Lance did the same, so I guess he missed me too.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Fat men at work
I’m in DC for work and I decided rather than rent a car I’d just take the bus and metro everywhere. Even though I’m college-educated, I apparently and not smart enough to read a bus schedule or map. I hopped on the bus yesterday (against my better instincts, because I didn’t even really know which bus to get on ) thinking it would drop me off right at the metro station. Uh, not so much. After winding around some crazy roads and being stuck in horrendous traffic, this girl had to get the eff off the bus. Forty-five minutes completely out of my way when my lazy ass could have walked to 5 blocks to the metro. Auugh. Worst mistake ever. Luckily I found a metro station (thank you jeezus!) so I hopped on and had to ride all the way from Silver Springs back to Dupont Circle (which equates to like one million stops too many). Three stops before mine, the largest man on the planet squeezes into the already extremely packed car and sits next to me, which is to say he was all up on me! I was seriously scared he was going to sit on my legs and snap them in half. Maybe this is the gods’ retribution on my for all my SSFB comments?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Ring my bell!
Lance and I went out for a happy hour last night. We do this about once a month. Lance picks me up from work and we go find someplace that has half-price appetizers and cheap drinks. What starts as a happy hour normally turns into a late-night booze fest. Last night was no different. We met up with my sister and her boyfriend, and after my 6th drink, I found myself on stage with a cover band playing the cowbell. No joke - there are incriminating pictures to prove it.
To follow-up my hangover this morning, I finally treated myself to a fabulous sugar scrub and massage (compliments of Vanessa and Havis). I have to admit, I was disappointed when I realized that my masseuse was a dude. I probably should be a little more open-minded about these types of things (he IS a professional, after all), but my last incident with a male masseuse did not go well (he got ON the table to work my back - uhh, I'm not comfortable with that!!). Luckily this guy was on the up and up and he did a great job. It took me awhile to calm down and not freak out when he lifted the towel to massage the sides of my butt cheeks - but hey -it's all part of the experience, right? (please say yes!)
To follow-up my hangover this morning, I finally treated myself to a fabulous sugar scrub and massage (compliments of Vanessa and Havis). I have to admit, I was disappointed when I realized that my masseuse was a dude. I probably should be a little more open-minded about these types of things (he IS a professional, after all), but my last incident with a male masseuse did not go well (he got ON the table to work my back - uhh, I'm not comfortable with that!!). Luckily this guy was on the up and up and he did a great job. It took me awhile to calm down and not freak out when he lifted the towel to massage the sides of my butt cheeks - but hey -it's all part of the experience, right? (please say yes!)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Robots in disguise?
I just got back from the movies. Lance dragged me to see Transformers. I don't really remember much about the cartoon from when I was a kid. I was too busy burning Barbie's hair with a krimper. My brother may have played with the tranformer toys -- but his real passion was the ninja turtles (so much so that my Mom made his this rad ninja turtle costume for Halloween). At any rate, Lance (who WAS in love with the transformers) gave me a quick run down of the plot. Optimus Prime = Good. Megatron = BAD. I actually enjoyed the first half of the movie even if there were not nearly enough frames containing Josh Duhamel's beautiful face. Overall the movie had a little bit too much testerone for me. It did, however, entertain and give me an excuse to eat my first package of starbursts in over 2 years. What more could I ask for??
Move over Barbie............... There's a new man in town!

Move over Barbie............... There's a new man in town!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The blog is back b*tches!
Since my mailbox has been flooding with requests for me to resurrect the blog, I've decided to come forward and deliver for the masses. The first topic on the agenda is this: why do people think that just because they are in their car, you can't see what they are doing? Although it's totally entertaining for me to sit at a light and count how long a guy can pick his teeth or chew on his nails, I wonder if he/she would not be totally embarrassed to know that somebody was watching?
I've aptly named this blog "champagne taste on a beer budget". It's a phrase my Dad has said to me more than once. I often wonder how this happens to me? I mean, I don't intentionally set out to buy the most expensive items, and I certainly don't have the budget to do this. Is it that I just have really great taste? (Because yes people, the more expensive an item is, the BETTER it is!) These items just seem to gravitate to me! I swear. For example, I can to into a store where half of the stuff is on sale, and I go and pick out a great top or something, take it up to the counter only to find that "oh no ma'am, this isn't on sale. Someone must have accidentally placed it on the wrong rack." Now if I were any kind of shopper (like my Momz), I could probably totally argue the point that it's their bad and not mine and their false advertising pretty much means that I DESERVE the item for the sale price. But instead I fork over my credit card and get ready to make up a really great story to tell Lance (who pretends to not watch my spending, but bless him, I know he does).
This all culminates into our latest home project which is to add a master bath and walk-in closet. I'm pretty sure that I'll somehow manage to pick the most insane pedestal sink (I already did on accident) or some outrageously priced towel rack. I am absolutely determined (and committed) to sticking to budget on this project -- stay tuned to see if that actually happens.
I've aptly named this blog "champagne taste on a beer budget". It's a phrase my Dad has said to me more than once. I often wonder how this happens to me? I mean, I don't intentionally set out to buy the most expensive items, and I certainly don't have the budget to do this. Is it that I just have really great taste? (Because yes people, the more expensive an item is, the BETTER it is!) These items just seem to gravitate to me! I swear. For example, I can to into a store where half of the stuff is on sale, and I go and pick out a great top or something, take it up to the counter only to find that "oh no ma'am, this isn't on sale. Someone must have accidentally placed it on the wrong rack." Now if I were any kind of shopper (like my Momz), I could probably totally argue the point that it's their bad and not mine and their false advertising pretty much means that I DESERVE the item for the sale price. But instead I fork over my credit card and get ready to make up a really great story to tell Lance (who pretends to not watch my spending, but bless him, I know he does).
This all culminates into our latest home project which is to add a master bath and walk-in closet. I'm pretty sure that I'll somehow manage to pick the most insane pedestal sink (I already did on accident) or some outrageously priced towel rack. I am absolutely determined (and committed) to sticking to budget on this project -- stay tuned to see if that actually happens.
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