Monday, March 24, 2008

wtf mate?

I wanna watch the Bachelor cause he's hot and has an accent. I don't wanna watch the Bachelor because girls are dumb and they think serenading him is impressive.

Bachelorette (in dumb high-pitch voice): Ummmm, I like, wrote this song for you. . Umm, it goes like this. "I want you to find me. Do you see me? (giggle, giggle) Can you find my heart? Cause it's beating in my double-d chest. tee hee.

Bachelor: are you serious? you get a rose.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The word of the day is?

I'm challenging myself to write in my blog everyday for at least a week. Once the week ends, maybe I'll stretch it out to a month. Mostly I don't have much to write about (today being no different) which works out since I only know of one person that reads this anyway. Scratch that, I know at least two people who read this (it's emailed to Lance, so he MUST read it).

I had grand plans to start a detox of sorts this week (see previous post about all the crap I consumed last week). All was going well, until I went to the Whole this morning for breakfast. I was thrilled to see yogurt and granola at the breakfast bar, yet heartbroken to discover the only fruit available was melons. Ick. Unfortunately, my options were now limited to biscuits and gravy or a breakfast burrito. I made a snap decision to go with the biscuits and gravy. It was delicious, but made me feel gross after. Making matters worse, I ordered the shrimp 'n chips for dinner. Pu-ke. So seriously, tomorrow is nothing but good things for my body! But, do you really care what I ate for breakfast?? Probably not.

Monday, March 17, 2008

SXSW: Food!

Another year of SXSW has wrapped up, and I thought I'd take some time to reflect on my experience. Was it all about music and drinking? Mostly. But more than the indie rock, it was about the food and the mass quantities I consumed. Day 1 started with the pizza stand. Stony's - I heart you. Day 2 ended with the taco stand. Mr. Taco man - you make one mean carne guisada taco!! Day 3 - oh yeah, the hot dog truck. Mmm mmmm, the bun was toasted to perfection, and my cold cold Dr. P helped it all go down just right. And what would all this delicious savory food be without dessert? Did I mention it was free dessert? Ice cream trucks at every corner just WAITING to give me a treat. At one point during the festival I was totally bummed because we couldn't get into a venue. I was bummed, that is, until we turned the corner and saw some guys giving away ice cream cones out of their car. Jackpot!! That's better than any stinkin rock band!! Ok, there were other good things about SXSW besides the food. The music, of course, was great. But even better was getting to spend time with my friends and laughing so hard (on several occassions) I cried (baby i wanna do that booty, but ya gots to wash!).

And what would a blog entry of mine be without the negatives of SXSW? I'll do it in list form cause I'm too tired to elaborate any further than that:
1. Skinny jeans......*sigh* over these. Especially sooo over guys with no ass wearing these. Give a girl a break!

2. Slouchy boots. Especially white slouchy boots. All I gots to say is ladies, in 2 years you're gonna cringe when you look back at those photos!

3. Freakishly tall people at the front of the stage. Do I really need to expound on this?

4. People who blog live from SXSW (and you know who you are!)

On a positive note, I must mention that the weather was amazing, the day shows are so much fun, and how can you complain about free beer?? Next year I just might skip the evening stuff and hit up day shows only. I'm gettin' old and it's harder and harder to stay up past 1 am. Unless there's magmud involved......then I'll stay up all night!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What tha caucus!?

Tonight I only did half of my civic duty. I did go and vote, however, my good-hearted attempt to caucus later in the evening was thwarted by the massive number of people plus the extremely disorganized manner in which this was supposed to go down. The screaming bored kids didn't help much either. So, after standing in a sort-of line for about 20 minutes, I bailed. Lance reminded me that some people spent HOURS in the freezing cold to vote back in the last Presidential election. I scoffed at his reminder, reminding HIM that I'd already voted. Isn't that enough?! Besides, I hate the two-step.

Monday, March 3, 2008

If you're white, you'll probably like this

My friend at work sent this to me. Mostly because I work at reason #48 and found that extremely hilarious. If you're white and reading this and are offended, too bad. I'm Mexican and think it's funny (although I do like most of these things on this list, hmm...)

The Good, The Bad, and the Swollen

The Good:
Being on a chair lift in the mountains with the snow sparkling in the sun.

The Bad:
Falling down while standing in skis. Also, falling down on the FLAT part of the mountain in skis while punk ass snowboarders whiz by yelling lame things like "woah dude!"

The Swollen:
The large bruises on my leg from above mention spill on the flat part of the mountain.

I should also mention we got lost on our snowmobile's. We got cutoff by some other punks on their mobile's and took a wrong turn, ended up alone in the woods with our snowmobile stuck in the snow. NOT GOOD. Fortunately, our guide found us (need I mention he shouldn't have lost us to begin with??) and prevented us from winding up on the headlines of No more adventure "vacations" for me for awhile.

In other news.....something not so swollen is Mr. B's lower lip!! If you hadn't heard, he had a swollen bottom lip which was scary. But all is well, and it appears that the meds did him good (even though they made him puke). Sorry Biggs - no pain no gain!