Monday, March 3, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and the Swollen

The Good:
Being on a chair lift in the mountains with the snow sparkling in the sun.

The Bad:
Falling down while standing in skis. Also, falling down on the FLAT part of the mountain in skis while punk ass snowboarders whiz by yelling lame things like "woah dude!"

The Swollen:
The large bruises on my leg from above mention spill on the flat part of the mountain.

I should also mention we got lost on our snowmobile's. We got cutoff by some other punks on their mobile's and took a wrong turn, ended up alone in the woods with our snowmobile stuck in the snow. NOT GOOD. Fortunately, our guide found us (need I mention he shouldn't have lost us to begin with??) and prevented us from winding up on the headlines of No more adventure "vacations" for me for awhile.

In other news.....something not so swollen is Mr. B's lower lip!! If you hadn't heard, he had a swollen bottom lip which was scary. But all is well, and it appears that the meds did him good (even though they made him puke). Sorry Biggs - no pain no gain!

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