Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Disappointment abounds

My cup runeth over with disappointment today. First, I go to the breakroom for coffe. NO CREAMER is in the fridge. I tried to swallow the bitter coffee withough creamer and it just wasn't working. So I go downstairs for coffee and since I'm starving, a banana nut muffin (even though Lance is appalled at how fattening they are). I get my vanilla soy latte and a muffin and head back upstairs. But damn, I need to get my security card out of my purse...and the dang zipper won't open. Just as I'm getting it loose - there goes my coffee ALL OVER THE FREAKING ELEVATOR FLOOR. #%%^&% &%$#@!! Ok, fine, I can deal with that, but when I get to eating my muffin, I realize it is not a banana nut muffin but a raisin muffin!!! I HATE RAISINS!

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