Thursday, June 26, 2008


Since most things in my life right now are mostly out of my control (and therefore, out of control), I thought I"d make some changes to something I totally control - my blog! I got tired of the standard template, so I've copied someone else's and am really digging it. Too bad I don't know html, otherwise I'd totally have this thing tricked out.

Feedback is not encouraged.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

...and the boxes keep a 'comin

I would love to tell y'all that my life has been SO busy and that's why I haven't had time to blog. However, you all know me too well and know that even when my life is at a total standstill, I still don't blog. At any rate, I really have been busy, but am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

For one, our house is sold, negotians have taken place, repairs have been made, and we're all set to close this Thursday. The buyer of our house seems like a really cool guy who has been great to work with - I hope he does fabulous things with this house.

Second, our new home has been selected, inspected, negotiated for repairs (like pulling teeth with the damn seller) and is set to close this Friday. With any luck, all paperwork will be in place and we'll be in our new house by Saturday.

This has been a huge learning experience, and I'm sure I'll forget all the lessons when we buy our next home (because hopefully we'll be staying in this next house for many many years).

In case you're curious about what I've been stressing over, here are a few crummy pics I took of our new house. It's really much better in person, and if you're lucky, you'll get an invite to the house-warming. ;-)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Disappointment abounds

My cup runeth over with disappointment today. First, I go to the breakroom for coffe. NO CREAMER is in the fridge. I tried to swallow the bitter coffee withough creamer and it just wasn't working. So I go downstairs for coffee and since I'm starving, a banana nut muffin (even though Lance is appalled at how fattening they are). I get my vanilla soy latte and a muffin and head back upstairs. But damn, I need to get my security card out of my purse...and the dang zipper won't open. Just as I'm getting it loose - there goes my coffee ALL OVER THE FREAKING ELEVATOR FLOOR. #%%^&% &%$#@!! Ok, fine, I can deal with that, but when I get to eating my muffin, I realize it is not a banana nut muffin but a raisin muffin!!! I HATE RAISINS!